Sunday 16 December 2007


I love and appreciate holidays. I really do ever since I'm here at Imperial lol. Will be off starting tomorrow for a trip! Wheee..

Won't be blogging for the next few days. Travelling from Stansted airport - Brussels - Amsterdam - Brussels - Brugge!

Stay in tune, I'll be back and pictures will be up! Don't miss me haha.

Thursday 13 December 2007

OMG! Just as I was craving for turkey with cranberry since EESoc's dinner, I had the chance to have it once more! This time, I had it in the Senior Common Room (SCR) and my meal was sponsored by the Imperial Volunteering Centre (IVC) :D

Well, I've volunteered worked for the IVC during a recent "University Crocus Pin Challenge" event. Basically, my task was to remove pins from its backing information card and encourage others to join and help us in it. Simple right?! Most importantly, I was paid for this and lunch was sponsored! Haha. Not that I am in dire need of money at the moment but I guess I'm probably trying to do something to make myself feel better for spending so much recently. Well, I was supposed to study for tomorrow's WebCT test, but felt a little lazy and decided to do this in the afternoon.

Now, I realised that the IVC is probably one of the best place to work at if you're looking for one-time off work and not a continuing one. Wages are certainly better than working at the Student Union/bar or Union shop. And, tasks allocated are really simple!

My sponsored meal!

Although it wasn't as good as the one I had in Kensington Marriott Hotel, it's still worth it!

Saturday 8 December 2007

EESoc Christmas Dinner

EESoc's Christmas Dinner this year was held at Kensington Marriott Hotel (yes, of all places, it's the one opposite big Sainsbury's). Somehow had an intuition that the food wouldn't be that great but it turned out alright. Roast norfolk turkey and glazed ham with cranberry was simply scrumptious! *drools* I'm actually still missing it at the moment.

Anyway, below is how the event went:

The gents from Flat 54 arrived ridiculously early for the drinks at 6.30pm (dinner was at 8).

Drinks served. (Champagne and orange juice)

Then, a while later..

(someone sauntered through the crowd)
DW: Isn't that Roy Keane?
Me: *blur a while* Roy Keane is here??
DW: Yeaa, I think I saw him

*DW = Deng Wei

I thought he mistaken Roy for someone else instead until Shin Hung confirmed that he, too, saw him.

Roy Keane was there since the Sunderland team will be staying at that hotel before their match with Arsenal (I think) the following day.

(Anyway, I'm not a HUGE fan of football like DW and Shin Hung but I recalled watching Roy Keane on field when he was playing for Man U last time)

Next up, it was dinner followed by a lucky draw.

The gents from Flat 54

Table 13 with Prof Peter Cheung

Ben, Chris, Megan and I

And lastly, guess what?


Yes, I was one of the lucky draw winners for the night (lucky number 144). Received a £30 gift card to Harrods! Not too bad eh?!

Alright, will be signing off now and I'll try to blog more soon!

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Nottingham Games 2007

Nottingham Games this time was once again a rather successful one for me although I failed to bag any gold medals for Imperial.

I was not expecting anything out of this since I only practised a day before the competition and guess what happened to my beloved ping pong bat....

it broke!!!

How unlucky things were :(

Had to use Hua Aun's bat in the beginning and the games I played were soo awful! I then used a friend's bat (another player in the same competition) which happens to be almost the same as my broken bat. Things turned out to be so much better after that.

Overall, I managed to bag a silver medal for Mixed Doubles category and a bronze for Singles. Both matches were extremely close and I thought I could have gotten 2 golds for that! Aihh.. Anyway, that's it for this year. Don't think I'm actually looking forward to next year. And honestly, I thought Nottingham Games would be the last ever ping pong competition I'll ever enter. Have been taking part in competitions for every year since 2001. It's probably time to retire in this and move on to probably another sport? Hehe.

Anyway, below are some of the pictures during Nottingham Games:

Met Subha and Jia Wei in Notts (Wei is not in this picture though)

Me in action!

Group picture with the players and organiser

And lastly, the champion and I!

Thursday 25 October 2007

I'm fine...

Just so you know, I'm perfectly fine and alright. Still alive. I've not given up on blogging yet. Hehe.

Currently, am still waiting for the internet connection to be done. It's taking ages. At least, the BT line (UK's phone line company) is now set-up. They're really slow and inefficient when it comes to just activating a telephone line! (worse than Telekom indeed)

Anyhow, work (as a 2nd year EEE student) is piling up and it's already getting more difficult. I seriously don't know how I'm going to survive the lectures given by Papavasilliou or overcome the fear of failing Analogue Electronics! Hopefully, things will get better as time goes by.

On another note, I've just attended the graduation of Cheng Chun, Charlotte, Chris Tock (list goes on) today. It's good to see everyone graduating with good honors and striving towards attaining their goals in life. I'll certainly miss the times and fun we had. Given the chance, I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere, someday. As for now, I wish you guys good luck in everything you do! Drop by and keep us informed of how things are (if you're not busy like Charlotte) hehe.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Some Random Thought

Once again, I'll have to say goodbye to Malaysia real soon. Will be leaving for London in another 8 days. This time, I think I'll gleefully leave Malaysia without having any sorrowful thoughts.

A year ago, I vividly remember how excited, yet afraid I was to leave home. Nasty thoughts haunted me. I didn't want to enter a completely new and alien country. I wasn't sure if I was independent enough. I was afraid I could not pass this hurdle. I was really worried that I'll be all alone. I was afraid that I would give up and lose my scholarship.

How wrong I was.

This time, I really miss the fun I had in London. I miss my newly-made friends. I miss the ones from my department, MSoc, Lion Dance, ULUBUDA, Beit Hall and other universities. I've not been catching up with them (only through facebook) ever since I was back. Wanted to meet a lot of them but to no avail.

On another note, I think I've changed a lot characteristically. That was the comment I had from everyone. Whether it's good or bad, it has yet to be discovered. I see it as a 50-50 thing. Or perhaps, 70-30. Thinking about my future, what I really want in life and the problems I have to face if I were to do this....or that; seem to be my current hobby. I neither condone this hobby nor enjoy thinking about it. It does affect me but I think it is not to be neglected. It's something I really have to face.

Sigh! I suppose it's one of those stages in life......

Friday 7 September 2007

Venetian Macao Resort (Asia's Las Vegas!)

Even words can't describe how pretty this place is. Love it a lot. See for yourself.

The Reception (Queue was this long!)

Wednesday 5 September 2007

An Update!

Finally, I'm back! :) Hey guys, seriously sorry for not blogging for soo long! Due to my inactivity, I seriously doubt anyone ever reads this blog now lol. I guess I'll be blogging more often when I'm back in the UK which is like in 14 days time? 2 weeks!

It has been a hectic and tiring past 2 weeks for me. Had travelled from KL-HK-China-HK-Macao-China-HK-KL. Semi-business/holiday trip. Phew! I'm all knackered now. Too busy to even upload pictures of the famous Asia's Las Vegas: The Venetian in Macao. Will do so probably tomorrow or something. Off to bed now! Nites!

Friday 29 June 2007

Astro Apprenticeship Program


We are pleased to invite you to join us as an apprentice in our ASTRO APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM. Under this program, you will be attached to the Technology Division from 2nd July to 10th August 2007.

Please do report at our Human Resources Department at the All Asia Broadcast Centre, Technology Park Malaysia on 2nd July 2007 at 9:00am where you will be briefed on company policies and apprenticeship conditions.

"Dear Heng Kai,

Would appreciate if you could bring your own laptop during the Practical training here as the attachment may be quite mobile between both sites. Please advise if you have a laptop during your Practical Training. Thank you."

I still don't have a laptop until now (ever since I lost mine in UK) =(

Anyway, am really looking forward to working with them! Excited to see what it's like *grin* But at the same time, I feel a wee bit disappointed and sad because working hour is from 9am to 6pm! That's like 9 hours! I was supposed to take up acoustic guitar classes in a music school which closes at 6pm. sighzz! Gotta try to find an alternative -.-

And, by the bye, anyone has any recommendation of relatively good, but not too expensive acoustic guitars for beginners?? Kindly suggest! Hehe.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Tagged by Kim Hong

1) Name one person who made you smile last night.
Did I actually smile?

2)What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

Having breakfast in Peppercorn

3) What were you doing 30 minutes ago?


4) What was something that happened to you in 2006?

Hmm.. too many things happened in 2006

5)What is the last thing you said aloud?
Can't remember..

6) How many different things did you drink today?
Hmm, milo, water, orange juice, that's about it I guess..

7) What color is your hairbrush?
No hairbrush

8) What was the last thing you paid for?
McDonalds = RM18++

9) Where were you last night?
Home, Mamak?

10) What color is your front door?
Dark brown

11) Where do you keep your change?
Wallet, pocket?

12) What is the weather like today?
Favourable. No rain! :D

13) What is the best ice cream flavor?
Vanilla!! (NAH! Sorry SP! lol) best ice cream flavor? hmm, I actually like a lot of them! Probably chocolate would be my favourite..

14) What is something you are excited about?

15) Do you want to cut your hair?
Noooo! It's already short enough

16) Are you over the age of 25?

17) Do you talk a lot?
It depends on who I'm talking with..

18) Do you watch The O.C.?

19) Do you know anyone named Steven?

20) Do you make up your own words?
Yea, at times..

21) Are you typically a jealous person?
Depends.. Everything has a limit isn't it?

22) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A”

23) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K"
Kenny Gan

24) Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?

25) What did the last text message you received say?
It reads, "I am done. would you like to come over?"

26) Do you chew on your straws?
Nope.. When I was younger, yes..

27) Do you have curly hair?

28) Where is the next place you’re going?
In Malaysia or out of Malaysia? Hmm, probably Singapore or Hong Kong or Penang

29) Who is the rudest person in your life?
I won't want to remember the rudest person in my life. As for now, not that I can think of anyone.

30) What is the last thing you ate?

31) Is marriage in your future?
Yup, who wants to live a single life?

32) What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?
Only watched Spiderman 3.

33) Is there anyone you like right now?
Hmm, for me to know and for you to find out...

34) When was the last time you did the dishes?
When I was in UK? LOL!

35) Are you currently depressed?
Yes and no.

36) Did you cry today?
Cry? why cry? NOooo!

37) Why did you answer and post this?
Because I really have nothing better to do? And oh! I'm being tagged by Kim Hong

38) Tag 5 people who would do this survey
-- Siew Ping
-- Cheng Chun
-- Daryl
-- Charlotte
-- Benjamin

Thursday 14 June 2007

Counting Down

5..4..3..2..1.. days and I'll be BACK in Malaysia!! =P Honestly, if you were to ask me how it would reflect on me as a person, I would say: I'm feeling both excited and reluctant. Excited because I really miss my family very much! (thanks to Caroline, my 11 yo sister) It was really sweet of her to write me a letter during exam period; and tell me that she will personally bake me a cake when I get back home! aww....

Also, I don't have to spend more and more money here! (Have already spent A LOT, seriously) =(

On the other note, I really don't want to leave Beit Hall. It is the place where I can get up 5 minutes before lectures and still make it on time *smiles* Sad to say, I'll have to leave all these things behind =(

Anyway, that's not the point. Now that it's only 5 days away (5 days!!), I'm certainly looking forward to flying back and meeting everyone: family and friends!

Until then, see ya when I'm back! =)

Sunday 20 May 2007


May not be blogging for the whole of this month. Exam starts tomorrow and ends in 17 days time. Hopefully(fingers crossed), I'll be able to scrape through it this time; considering the fact that I'm not really prepared for it and have not been revising my work constantly. I've NEVER been this unprepared for exams before, seriously never. Unless, you take primary school into account. Anyway, GOOD LUCK to everyone having exams around this time (Chem Eng, EE 1st/2nd years, etc and everyone else!)

Friday 27 April 2007

Gourmet Burger Kitchen (GBK)

I know that I did tell myself that I'm NOT going to GBK anymore; at least for the next few months. I was (note the presence of the word was) seriously extremely sick and tired of the burgers there because I've been there for at least 4 times in a month (There was once I been there twice in 2 consecutive days).

However, I couldn't resist the temptation to go there once again today *smiles* This time, I went there with this kind and sweet senior of mine, Chloe =) Bumped into her when I was in the library and hence, the idea of going out for dinner came up. Initially, both of us were very indecisive of where to go; we wanted to have Fish & Chips but had to give up that idea because there were too many people. After walking from South Kensington to Gloucester Road and vice versa, we were both knackered and decided to just go to GBK. Meal was scrumptious, company was fun and it's an excellent break from work! Sorry Chloe if I disrupted your studies for a lil while! *giggles* I know it's difficult for you to try to please this junior of yours. Hehe.

First time in GBK =)

I love their milk shakes! *drools*

Me in GBK, once again!

P.S. Tsan, Hong, KC: you probably think I'm crazy enough to bring and wear that 4 Alpha shirt in UK! lol. See! Semangat right?! I MISS 4/5 Alpha!!!!!!

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Katharine Mcphee: Over It

Omg, I LOVE this song!! =P

Any Katharine Mcphee fans out there? =)

Tuesday 24 April 2007

1 Down, 8 to Go

Finally, no more management exam in 4 years! wheeeee! I no longer need to mug all the contributions made by F.W.Taylor, J.M.Burns, Charles Handy, Pettinger, Mayo and the list just goes on and on. Honestly, I'm really sick of the word organization, legitimacy and authority. Been seeing and reading too much of it.

Management paper was not as bad as I thought it would be (questions were not that tough) because I could recall the things I've memorized BUT I just felt I did not put in enough examples, did not answer the question at several points and crapped a lot of unnecessary stuffs just to make the essays seem lengthy. Honestly, if they were going to mark me based on my points, it should be fine but if they're expecting concrete arguments, I think I'll do rather badly :( But I'm not complaining this time and the point I'm trying to make here is: I'm not exactly satisfied with the paper but I'm glad that it's all over.

As for now, have to start preparing for the remaining papers. My exam timetable is as follows:

  • 21/5: Digital Electronics
  • 22/5: Fields and Devices
  • 25/5: Communications
  • 30/5: Maths 1
  • 31/5: Maths 2
  • 1/6: Engineering Materials
  • 4/6: Analogue Electronics
  • 6/6: Analysis of Circuits

After that, it'll be all over! Can't wait to travel =) And then, go home!! Been missing a lot of things: family, friends, food, everything!

Wish me luck for my exams! Really need it badly.

Sunday 22 April 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

Got up miraculously early this morning. It's really not because Yin Mei called me at 9am, but I seriously can't sleep! (Thanks Yin Mei for calling me, anyway) Been forcing myself to sleep recently but it doesn't work. I'm losing sleep!!! <-- sign of stress. Anyway, it's Mom's birthday today. Called back home and found out that Mom's not back yet: She's still on her way back from Hong Kong. Then, something struck me that I should get her a gift since it's her birthday! I hastily scrolled through the list of people/friends in my handphone and honestly, I couldn't figure out who to call except for this dear friend of mine, Benjamin. He's perhaps the only one who visits me so often and it is until the extent that the security guards outside could recognise him! (Note that the guards don't even recognise me, at times.) And, I'm certainly not being hyperbolic here. It's sad enough, but true.

What else can I say to Ben? Thank you for being such a great friend! (I don't think you need me to flatter you right? It gets boring at times. You should understand it, by now. Hehe) I know you'll always offer to help me if I ever need it right? =) Gosh, I've been thanking too many people lately. I think it's probably because I have extremely SWEET friends around me! *smile with brims*

I'm really happy, for now; despite the fact that I have a management paper tomorrow and I'm not really prepared for it yet. Mom totally did not see that coming and she was so excited and happy!

I shall now stop elaborating further before I start missing her. =(

P.S. By reading this post, thou shall not assume that I'm mummy's boy because I'm not! *fierce glare*

Mom's Birthday Present :)

Friday 20 April 2007

This is what happens if

you have been mixing too much with a person by the name of Ong Syn-In.


Yin Mei

Kim Hong

Me (my very own version of "When studying Circuits")

When I first knew Yin Mei, Janet and Kim Hong, they were NEVER like that! :S Whether it's good or bad, it's up to you to decide.
Anyway, this post is for fun; out of boredom. Hehe.

And, for Joanne a.k.a. Meow! Thank you so much for the lovely good luck card you sent! The card's nice and I love your handwriting =)

Card from Meow

P.S. The pictures above are taken from your Friendster acc. I don't stalk people by keeping those pictures. Hehe!

Sunday 15 April 2007

Better Now: Thank You! =)

I feel a lot better and relaxed now (I'm being myself again). Not that I'm not stressed anymore, but I am no longer bothered by other things. Finally, it's time for me to concentrate and study! Management exam in a weeks time! =(

Anyway, I really have to thank a lot of people for that. It's amazing how you all manage to put up with me. A big THANK YOU to :-
  • The ones who commented on my blog: Audrey, Megan, SP, CC, CM, Vi Vian, Irene, Ken, Aimi, Jing Koon
  • Kim Hong: Thanks for your advise!
  • Janet: You emailed and SMS-ed me from Australia! aww, that was really sweet of you!
  • Joanne: I think you're the worst victim :S I hurled all my nasty thoughts to you. Hehe thanks for being a good listener and sorry yea!
  • Syn-Yi: Thanks for the song and message you sent: "Smile ya & stay happy.Stress only makes u go bald so if u don't wanna waste money go Yun Nam then listen to this.It helps!!" *faint*
  • Tsan

(Gosh, this is tiring! Did I miss anyone out?)

And, this is for Cindy. Thank you for suggesting Janet to text me. I'm very (well not very, but quite) sure that you told KH to do that also. You trained him too well. I asked him and he kept denying that you were the one who suggested him to do that. Both your SMS-es were so similar! Also, thank you for your lovely card and jellies :P

So, here goes my version of what happened on Friday (the 13th); regarding the jellies. Considering the fact that I was so tired on that day, I decided to sleep at 9pm. I was then rudely awoken at around 11pm because of something (I really can't remember what that was). Decided to check my handphone and to my surprise, there were 16 miss calls (8 from YM and 8 from Cindy. Don't worry! Your calls did not wake me up. Honestly, I didn't hear a single thing) :S Anyone on the right mind would definitely be worried and suspect that something might be going on. Found out it was actually nothing and I was told to wait for YM's phone call. Hence, I decided to take a nap while waiting for her call.

After a while, someone knocked on the door and Jonathan(my roommate), as usual, attended the guest. Usually it is his friend but this time, it's Cindy! She came in to pass the card and jellies she made for me. Honestly, I was extremely blur that time. Questions like "Oh what day is it today? Did I forget something? Did I not do something" flooded my mind. And, that was seriously very SWEET of you to do that, Cindy! Thanks! =)

Longan, Banana (this sounds weird), Gula Melaka and Toffee Jelly

I love the card!

Anyway, thought that the banana jelly would taste really BAD! Hehe. But, it turns out not too bad =) My favourite is still the longan although I like banana, on its own :P

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Emotionally Down

I'm really immensely stressed and depressed now. There are a few things which leads to it:

  1. the deterioration of my studies (main reason);
  2. the feeling of guilt I have towards my dear friend who has just left to Birmingham;
  3. wee bit of peer pressure;
  4. lack of sleep;
  5. surviving on only 1 meal a day;
  6. some other reasons I would not want to mention because it may lead to unnecessary emotional posts
I'm no longer the boisterous, gleeful, confident, positive and joyous person people use to know. I am extremely pessimistic, gloomy, sensitive and incompetent at present. My goal in university and life seemed to be very vague in mind.

But, why? Why would all of these things happen simultaneously; at the time when I really needed extra confidence and motivation to do my work? The expectation of me to do well is just SO great! (from both my parents and sponsor) Seriously. I know the phrase "Just Do Your Best" sounds convincing. People keep telling me that "You'll do great, don't worry!"

I mean, it's really very sweet of them to have the confidence in me; but how would anyone know how well I will do? Honestly, no one knows how terrible my state is at present. I know myself best. And, I'm definitely sure that I'm NOT fine.

I really need to calm down. Was supposed to at least finish studying Digital Electronics by now, but I'm still staring stagnantly at the same page for hours. I seriously don't know what I shall do. I'm sad and lost.

KC Stabbed Me

Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italise the statements that you WISH are true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 3 people to do the same test:

I miss somebody right now.
I do not watch tv these days.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.
I love to play video games.
I have tried marijuana.
I have been in a threesome.
I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
I have changed mentally over the last year.
I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I curse.
I’m totally smart.
I’ve broken someone’s bones.
I’m paranoid sometimes.
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
I need money right now.
I love sushi.
I talk really, really fast.
I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.
I have at least one sibling.
I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn’t survive without Caller ID.
I like the way I look.
I am usually pessimistic.
I have a lot of mood swings.
I have a hidden talent.
I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
I have a lot of friends.
I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex.
I enjoy talking on the phone.
I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.
Enjoy window shopping.
I would rather shop than eat.
I don’t hate anyone.
I'm a pretty good dancer.
I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.
I believe in God.
I watch MTV on a daily basis.
I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
I’ve rejected someone before.
I want to have children in the future.
I have changed a diaper before.
I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
I’m not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.
I’m shy around members of the opposite sex. (esp those that i dont know...)
I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
I have tried alcohol before.
I own the South Park movie.
I would die for my best friend.
I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
I am happy at this moment!
I’m obsessed with girls.
I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
I study for tests most of the time.
I am comfortable with who I am right now.
I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.
I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
Plan on achieving a major goal/dream.
I'm proficient in an musical instrument.
I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.
I hate office jobs.
I love sci-fi movie.
I think water rules.
I went college out of state.
I like sausages.
I love kisses.
I fall for the worst people.
I adore bright colours.
I can’t live without black eyeliner.
I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
I usually like covers better than originals.
I can pick up things with my toes.
I can whistle.
I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.
I have ridden/owned a horse.
I still have every journal I’ve written in.
I can’t stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
I have jazz in my blood.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I wear a toe ring.
I can’t stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.
I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
I’m an artist.
I only clean my room when necessary.
I like a person of the same sex.
I love being happy.
I am an adrenaline junkie.

(some of the above are not true lol =P)

Hmm, I shall stab: Cheng Chun, Cindy, Siew Ping
(KH, you are supposed to do this since KC stabbed you too!)

Tuesday 10 April 2007

An Excellent Break

To those who reads my blog regularly, sorry for not blogging for quite some time: I have been rather stressed up due to the amount of work (studies) I have to do over Easter vacation. I'm currently way behind my schedule =(

Gopi visited me from Malaysia and I have to admit that I'm a VERY terrible host. He had to walk to Harrods by himself on one fine day because I was too knackered to go with him. That seriously reflects on how obnoxious I am as a person/friend. It would have been better if he visited London somewhere in June; after my exams. Anyway, lets just skip that matter before I start chiding myself for being such a bad host.

On a bright and fine Easter Sunday, Cindy suggested that we should meet up for lunch. Henceforth, the 4 of us (me, Cindy, Cheng Chun and Gopi) met up for 'dim sum'. We then headed off to Green Park and Buckingham Palace since Gopi and Cindy have not been there before. Weather was seriously perfect and favourable. What an excellent break from work! (not that I've been working that hard, but still!)

Brilliant park and weather

And, oh! we went on a "double date" (I know Gopi's gonna kill me for this)

Cindy and I

Gopi and his long lost lover =P

Some of the retarded/nice photos we took:

Fine. Our relationship is complicated.

Gopi thinks this picture is cool! =)

Saturday 24 March 2007

Last Day of Spring Term

Looking back at what I did for this term, hmmm, I would say it's much better than the Autumn Term which ended last December. I'm less playful this term I think (don't laugh when I say this) :S

I had the toughest last week of term and I thank the people who were there to support and motivate me along the way! (you know who you are) Seriously, thanks! The continuous support I had certainly helped me during the week. Having 2 tests (Online test, Lab test) and 2 deadlines (Final programming, Radio design project) in a week is certainly not easy. Hopefully, I've learnt my lesson of not doing things at the eleventh hour from this.

Besides that, life is still alright. Currently, I'm having a 4-weeks hiatus i.e. "holiday". And oh, I know this is REALLY random but I just have to say it: Heng Kai suddenly LOVES eating bananas! (don't ask me why) I hope NONE of you will think I'm crazy or drunk after reading this post. I'm still sober okayy?? =)

Bananas rock! =)

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Malaysian Night 2007

Malaysian Night 2007 was seriously a BLAST! Here are the pictures/videos as promised: *it'll be a miracle if you can spot me in the videos!* LOL. DVD will be out later! :P


Before the show

Opening Dance

Stomp Dance

Dikir Barat. IC BOLEH!
Lion Dance
Modern Dance
Finale Dance

The audience! Can see Kim Hong! =)


Opening Dance (sorry for the bad quality! Hopefully, someone will upload a better version in youtube. Anyway, I doubt you can spot me in the video =P)

Stomp Dance (you should be able to see me in this, I hope)

Dikir Barat 1

Dikir Barat 2

Dikir Barat 3

Modern Dance: footloose! (I was the one doing the cartwheels! =))

Finale Dance (supposed to be the gay-est dance of all but I thought it was alright)

feel free to give your comments! =)