Nintendo Wii
Some would probably think I'm insane. Here is what happened: I thought of getting a Nintendo Wii for my family and since they will be releasing it at 12am, I decided to go Oxford Street (hoping that I would be the lucky one) to get it. And, common sense tells you that it's merely impossible to get one if you are going to go there at 12am. I reach at 12.15am. That's even worse. Some people had been queuing since 7pm or even earlier than that. Silly me. When I've reached Oxford Street, HMV was closed already. Sigh. Couldn't even go in to have a look. Some people were still crazy enough to stand outside (they just LOVE the Wii) to wait.
Anyway, I predicted that I would not be that lucky either. I just want to go out. No idea why. And, my purpose of going there was to have dinner as well. I slept in the evening and skipped dinner. Anyway, should I get a Nintendo Wii? Part of me tells me that I should but the other part suggests that I shouldn't. Being indecisive here.
On my way back (in the bus), I met this Chinese couple who managed to grab a set. According to them, they bought it for £180. Is it worth it? Should I get it for my family as Christmas present?
I feel rather bad for suggesting that you should get a Nintendo Wii for your family for Christmas because it involve waiting in line for it. It has sold 1 million unit since it lauched. I want one too but waiting for the price to fall in Malaysia. :P
Bring one back so we can come to your house and play. Hehehe.
don't have to feel bad about it, seriously. I thought it's kinda cool too!
What happened to me!!!! :P
so nice of u to get the Wii for ur family....
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